Is my Portfolio Executive Workstyle Making my Future Work?

Your Portfolio Executive Workstyle needs to be sustainable, rewarding and enjoyable.  It’s not enough, in my view, for it to just keep you busier and busier.  You don’t want to be moving from being enslaved by a Corporate Workstyle, to becoming enslaved with your own Portfolio Executive Workstyle.

Why full time professional employment won’t Make your Future Work

I have spent all my working life around professionals who have sought to build a career through their professional skills. But very early on in my working life I realised that, for me, being in full-time professional employment, wasn’t going to Make my Future Work.

I’ve tried being an Independent Consultant and now I want to be a Portfolio Executive

Many of the people who come to me who want to become a Portfolio Executive, were in a full-time salaried position, but have stepped out to become an Independent Consultant. They may have been able to work with a previous employer to do some consulting work.

I am too busy to find clients

A busy City Street crossing

Having worked to help people build their portfolio executive proposition and to go out and win their first client.  I increasingly hear them telling me that they are too busy to find anymore clients.  At one level this is a great success story.  They have more work than they can cope with.  Fantastic!

Turning disappointment into positivity as a Portfolio Executive

A man looking wistfully out of a window with blinds casting shadows on his face

One of the toughest things to deal with when you are setting out as a Portfolio Executive is disappointment. You may have felt less sensitive to it when you were in your previous corporate life because you could always tell yourself that the ‘no’ wasn’t really about you – it was because of the organisation.