The Portfolio Executives

David Simmons

Picture of David Simmons, A Portfolio Executive
  • Specialism: Project Monitoring and Impact Evaluation
  • Track Record: AT&T, Reuters, LifeLine Projects, University of Greenwich, Community Resources, Day 2 International, FaithAction, 4Family, Sussex Police, Weymouth Refresh, Reach Haverhill, RanDee, Giving Plus, Cinnamon Network
  • Offer: I help organisations to bring project impact and evaluation into the core of their business model, so that they can demonstrate their effectiveness with ease.
  • David says: “Show me the data, and together, let us tell your story.”
  • Try me (

In 2004 I helped to develop and run a bespoke programme for parents whose children were non-attenders at school. The course was good, but throughout its lifespan I couldn’t help feeling frustrated that there was no way of proving its effectiveness. In 2008 I began studying for a PhD in Health and Social Care, graduating in 2015.

One of the many drivers behind doing a PhD was to improve an organisation’s ability to demonstrate and evidence it’s worth. I became a Portfolio Executive during this time, in 2011, writing end-of-project evaluation reports, and delivering impact and evaluation training.

I have since worked with many organisations, developing systems to improve outcome monitoring, writing end-of-project reports, and developing my own approach to outcome and evaluation process improvement.

I’m also the presenter of the podcast The Power of Impact: Stories of a Better Future.