The Portfolio Executives

Iain Price

A picture of Iain Price, A Portfolio Executive
  • Specialism: Coaching, training & consultancy all with the brain in mind: the neuroscience of leadership.
  • Track Record: BBC, NHS, PeopleUntapped, Talent4performance, Speakers Trust, VDS-Training, Pobl Group
  • Offer: I work with business leaders and teams to unlock their thinking and communication to surpass their needs: to enable them to thrive through challenge. I do this by using a fusion of contemporary applied neuroscience, psychometric and executive coaching approaches – combined with my experience of working with diverse groups on their cognitive performance that includes Paralympians and Olympians.
  • Iain says: “Unlocking your mind to your greatness.”
  • Try me (

The freedom, diversity and healthy challenge of bringing my specialism to have impact on individuals and teams was a great motivator to becoming a Portfolio Executive. To see the impact and be a part of their story to them achieving their greatness.

I started as an independent communication and science consultant and provider over 15 years ago.  In 2019 I founded Think It Out, an applied solutions team consisting of high-performance individuals from business, the forces, sport and further education to meet the performance needs, objectives and challenges of aspiring people and companies.

My first ‘breakthrough’ was applying my knowledge and craft in co-formulating and co-delivering the BBC Human Mind outreach programmes across the UK for over 2 years.

This quote really sums up for me what I have learnt along the way “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are probably right.” Henry Ford

I am currently working with diverse, highly motivated, creative and applied individuals and teams from across the World to address their, and our corporate, need to sustainably succeed.  To unlock new possibilities for achievement and success because of, rather than despite, the high challenges that we face together in the early C21st.

I’m looking forward to more opportunities to work with ever more influential leaders, thought leaders and teams across the sectors to change the World and every today building together a better and greater tomorrow for all.